As I was doing
my devotions this morning, praying for God to provide for others and for
myself, He had me read once again some verses that He keeps bringing me back
to. You see, today I was searching in Matthew for the section on storing up
your treasures in Heaven as one of the themes for my MK kiddos may be “treasure
boxes”. Right below this section, some blue highlighting caught my eye.

This time it is
not just the text that has stood out to me, or the fact that I have just been
listening to the song of some of those very birds two minutes ago while walking
the trash down to the curb, but rather something that I have written in the
margin of my Bible right next to this text. “Summer 2013,” it reads. I smile
with the memory that comes trickling into my brain with those words.
At the beginning
of last summer, I agreed to an unpaid internship with Shepherd’s Door part of
the Portland Rescue Mission, for more Social Work experience. I was nervous
when I took the position, as I knew that this 40 hour a week internship would
not allow me much time to find a job and pay for my expenses and future year of
college. God kept bringing this passage to mind, however, letting me know that
He knew my needs even before I did. Guess what happened? First, Shepherd’s Door
offered me a place to live with the internship allowing me to have all of my
food and lodging covered. Then, partway through the summer, they offered me a
part-time job to help with some of our other living expenses. That summer, God
brought me not only a wonderful Social Work experience, time with family, and
some additions to my family in Christ, but He also allowed me to have some
money for College the next year! Currently, I still have around $5,000 to
raise. How is this year any different? How can I worry? We serve a Good God!
Jehovah Yirah is His name!
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