Thursday, March 13, 2014

Prayer Letter

February 2014

                With no leap year, February has come and gone quickly! It is hard to believe that both January and February have come and gone so quickly leaving me about halfway finished with my internship with and my time here in Uganda. God has definitely blessed me with wonderful people to surround me and help me in my time here.
                The first group of individuals that God blessed me with are the other Uganda Studies Program students and staff that are here on the Uganda Christian University campus. Not only do they help me with processing day to day life and different educational trips that we take, the class that we all take on faith in the Ugandan context pulls in large topics for us to question our worldviews, culture, and faith to ascertain that we are placing God and not ourselves on the throne of our lives.  
                To cement everything that we learn in that course and over the last three years as social work students, I attend my social work internship at Compassion International in Lugazi, Uganda four to five days a week. At Compassion, I am working under a wonderful Supervisor who guides me in the Child Survival Program. We work with around 40 children ages 0-3 and their mothers making sure that they are surviving and thriving physically, spiritually, socio-emotionally, and cognitively. On a practical level this looks like visiting the homes of the mothers and doing short lessons with them, doing monthly skills training, monthly discipleship, and other activities ensuring that the mothers have the community and assets that they need in order to help their family survive. The above picture shows one of our mothers working on a chore chart with her three year old daughter helping to teach responsibility.
We celebrated the last week and a half of February by completing our rural homestay with a host family in Kapchorwa, Uganda near the Kenyan border. I learned so much more than just how to milk a cow from my host family and my host village. This week not only taught me about the importance of humility as I relearned seemingly simple tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and cutting vegetables, but also taught me the importance of being present with a family. I am amazed time after time how the family of Christ can be found all over the world. Situated in a little village on top of a mountain, I found a community that cared for each other as Christ cares for individuals and shares with each other as Christ called the Church to do.
I want to encourage us to do the same. In Philippians 2, God encourages us to be united with other believers being “one in Spirit and purpose” (v.2). We do not have to be half way around the world to serve Christ. He calls us first and foremost to be a community as loving and humble as He was (see Philippians 2).
                                                                                                                             In His Amazing Grace,


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